At Siost, our commitment to your satisfaction goes hand-in-hand with the quality of the outdoor gear we offer. We understand that sometimes plans change, and we’re here to ensure that your experience with Siost is as hassle-free as possible. Please take a moment to review our Refund Policy for a clear understanding of our guidelines regarding returns and refunds.
1. Satisfaction Guaranteed: Your satisfaction is our top priority at Siost. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we offer a 30-day window for eligible items to be returned for a full refund or exchange. This ensures that you have ample time to test and evaluate your gear, giving you peace of mind as you prepare for your outdoor adventures.
2. Eligibility for Refund: To be eligible for a refund, the item must be unused, in its original packaging, and in the same condition as when it was received. Items that show signs of wear and tear or are not in their original condition may not be eligible for a refund. Please reach out to our customer support team within 30 days of receiving your order to initiate the return process.
3. Return Authorization Process: To initiate a return, please contact our customer support team via email at [email protected] or through our “Contact Us” page on the website. Provide your order number and a brief explanation of the reason for the return. Our team will guide you through the return authorization process and provide instructions on how to return your item.
4. Refund Processing: Once your returned item is received and inspected, we will send you an email notification to confirm the approval or rejection of your refund. If approved, your refund will be processed to your original method of payment within 5-7 business days. Please note that the processing time may vary based on your financial institution.
Siost is committed to ensuring your satisfaction with every purchase. If you have any questions or concerns about our Refund Policy, our customer support team is here to assist you. Thank you for choosing Siost – where your outdoor adventures are backed by quality gear and a dedication to customer satisfaction!